WordPress Heartbeat Control | How to Use WordPress Heartbeat Control on WordPress

WordPress Heartbeat Control | How to Use WordPress Heartbeat Control on WordPress

What is WordPress Heartbeat Control | How to Use WordPress Heartbeat Control on WordPress | Reduct CPU Load

WordPress Heartbeat is a feature that allows real-time communication between the browser and the server. It can be useful for features like autosave and post locking. However, it can also contribute to increased CPU load, especially on shared hosting or low-resource servers.

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Implementing Heartbeat Control in WordPress involves adjusting the frequency of Heartbeat API requests or disabling it in specific areas. This can help reduce unnecessary server requests and, subsequently, CPU load.

To implement Heartbeat Control, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install a Plugin: There are plugins available that provide a user-friendly interface for controlling Heartbeat API. One popular plugin for this purpose is “Heartbeat Control.” You can install and activate it from the WordPress dashboard.
  2. Configure Heartbeat Control: Once the plugin is activated, go to “Settings” > “Heartbeat Control” in your WordPress dashboard. You can set the following options:
    • Control the frequency: Adjust the frequency of Heartbeat API requests. For example, you can increase the interval between requests to reduce the load.
    • Disable Heartbeat on specific pages: You can choose to disable Heartbeat API on certain pages or in specific areas of the admin panel where it may not be necessary.
    • Override Heartbeat settings: Some plugins or themes may override Heartbeat settings. You can use this option to enforce your chosen settings.
  3. Manually Disable Heartbeat: If you prefer a manual approach without using a plugin, you can add code to your theme’s functions.php file.

Remember to test any changes on a staging site before implementing them on your live site. Also, be cautious and make sure you understand the implications of reducing or disabling Heartbeat API, as some features may rely on it.

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