How To

How to hide default login URL of WP Website

If you have used WordPress at least once, you know exactly how to access the admin login of any WordPress website, you just add /wp-admin/ at the end of the URL and there you go. Bots and hackers also know this of course, so we recommend changing the wp-admin URL to something else, something that...

How to create a custom login screen for WP Website

Do you want to create a custom WordPress login page for your website?If you run a WordPress membership site or an online store, then many of your users will often see the login page. Customizing the default WordPress login page allows you to offer a better user experience.

How to gain ‘A’ Grade Score at GTmetrix – 1

Speed is very important for SEO and if your website speed is very slow, users may quit your website and the bounce rate will be increased. Google recently announced through the Quality Rater Guidelines that only those websites are going to attain good ranks at SERP which have good Core Web Vitals. So you have...

How to choose a perfect WordPress Theme

You have decided to make a Wonderful Website for your business and want to have a stunning look WordPress theme. You need suitable features for your business need and layout according to your choice and taste. You looked around the web and finally reached Theme Forest where you got thousands of WordPress Theme. You shortlisted...

How to remove duplicate menu items

While importing the demo content at your WordPress Website you might have annoyed with the Duplicate Menu Items which becomes hard to delete one by one. Deleting the duplicate Menu Item from WordPress Menu is a bit time-consuming task as it needs multiple clicks even for removing the single item from menu. As a website...

How to hide WordPress Theme name

Creating a website with WordPress and don't let others to know what theme you are using at your wordpress website ?Yes, it is possible with the simple steps as shown in the video. You can also give your theme a unique name as you want and change the details of theme like theme author...

How to Remove Image Background

Now you can remove any image background in just one click. You can use the new image for your profile picture, in your blog and even at the Hero Image at your website. Follow the simple steps shown in the video, and see the magic!

फ्री SSL सर्टिफिकेट वर्डप्रेस वेबसाइट के लिए, लाइफ टाइम ऑटोरिन्यू

 अगर आपकी वेबसाइट वर्डप्रेस पर है या किसी अन्य प्लेटफार्म पर भी है तो एसएसएल सर्टिफिकेट लेना आज के दौर के लिए अनिवार्य माना जाता है क्योंकि बिना एसएसएल सर्टिफिकेट के आपकी वेबसाइट पूरी तरह से सिक्योर नहीं मानी जाती और उस पर आप पेमेंट गेटवे जैसे फीचर नहीं लगा सकते.  अगर आपका ऑनलाइन शॉप...

फ्री अनलिमिटेड वेब होस्टिंग सीपैनल और वर्डप्रेस के साथ

वेब होस्टिंग लेना एक जटिल प्रक्रिया है हम अक्सर यह सोचते रह जाते हैं कि कौन सा होस्टिंग प्लान हमारी नई वेबसाइट के लिए अच्छा है और यह होस्टिंग हमें कहां से लेना चाहिए.  जो लोग पहली बार अपनी नई वेबसाइट बना रहे हैं या यहां तक कि डिजिटल मार्केटिंग  एक्सपर्ट या वेब डेवलपर के...