How to Hide WordPress Admin Bar Based on User Roles

How to Hide WordPress Admin Bar Based on User Roles

How to Hide WordPress Admin Bar Based on User Roles | Hide Admin Bar from Frontend | Control WordPress Admin Bar

The User Role Manager plugin provides a simple and effective way to hide the WordPress admin bar based on user roles and capabilities. Here’s a quick guide on how to use its features:

  1. Install and Activate the Plugin:
    • Go to your WordPress dashboard.
    • Navigate to Plugins > Add New.
    • Search for “User Role Manager” and install the plugin.
    • Activate the plugin.
  2. Access Plugin Settings:
    • After activation, go to Settings > User Role Manager.
  3. Hide Admin Bar for All Users:
    • Enable this option if you want to hide the admin bar for all users on the frontend.
  4. Hide Admin Bar for All Guests Users:
    • Activate this feature to hide the admin bar for non-logged-in users or guests.
  5. Specify User Roles:
    • In the “User Roles” section, choose specific user roles for which you want to hide the admin bar. Simply select the roles from the provided list.
  6. Capabilities Blacklist:
    • If you prefer to hide the admin bar based on user capabilities (e.g., manage_options), use the “Capabilities Blacklist” feature. Enter the capabilities you want to blacklist.
  7. Save Changes:
    • Don’t forget to save your changes after configuring the plugin settings.

By following these steps, you can customize the visibility of the admin bar based on user roles and capabilities, providing a tailored experience for different user types on your WordPress site.

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