Online Course Website for Trainers, Coaches, Institutes | WordPress LMS Theme

Online Course Website for Trainers, Coaches, Institutes | WordPress LMS Theme

Online Course Website for Trainers, Coaches, Institutes | High Quality WordPress LMS Theme | Course Builder

Looking to elevate your corporate training game? Look no further than the Course Builder WordPress Theme—a top-tier Learning Management System (LMS) theme designed for Corporate, Multisite Business, Group, and Company use. This dynamic theme, powered by the LearnPress LMS WordPress Plugin, empowers you to effortlessly create visually stunning online courses, providing a seamless platform to share knowledge and inspire your employees. Course Builder is the go-to solution for building a modern, creative, and multi-niche training website with features like lessons management, quizzes with multiple question types, and integrated payment methods.

Course Builder doesn’t just stop at offering online courses; it’s a comprehensive solution for all your training needs. The theme supports LMS Course Collection, allowing you to combine specific courses into collections for a more organized learning experience. The incorporation of LearnPress features, such as course review/rating, free course support, and robust lessons management, ensures a user-friendly and efficient training platform. Plus, with payment integration through Paypal, Stripe, and offline methods, as well as compatibility with WooCommerce for selling courses, Course Builder offers unparalleled flexibility in managing your training programs.

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Take your training website to the next level with Course Builder’s additional features, including co-trainers support, bbPress for private course discussions, and BuddyPress for seamless communication between trainers and trainees. The theme also provides dedicated profiles for both trainees and trainers, along with certificates upon course completion. In essence, Course Builder is not just a theme; it’s a complete package for creating a modern, efficient, and user-friendly online training experience.

Key Features:

  • LMS Course Collection
  • LMS Course Review/Rating
  • Free Course Support
  • Lessons Management with media support
  • Quizzes Management with multiple question types
  • Integrated payment methods (Paypal, Stripe, Offline)
  • WooCommerce support for selling courses
  • Co-trainers support
  • bbPress and BuddyPress integration
  • Trainee and Trainer profiles
  • Trainee Certificate on course completion

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